Chelsea Clinton doesn’t care about money as sincerely as her parents struggle to make ends meet.
That’s what Chelsea Clinton told Fast Company in an interview last month. It’s a statement that’s raising some eyebrows given her famous mother’s insistence that she’s not “well-off.”
Hillary Clinton has gotten into hot water, first contending that she and former President Bill Clinton were once “dead broke” and then maintaining that the couple is not as “truly well-off” compared to other wealthy people despite millions made from books and speaking engagements.
Chelsea Clinton, who is now working for Bill Clinton’s philanthropic foundation, was not retained by NBC after getting a year contract in 2013 for $600,000 in which she filed reports that critics say exposed her as clearly not ready for prime time.
She told Fast Company, “I was curious if I could care about (money) on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t.”
Clinton said she didn’t try to follow in her parent’s footsteps, but felt a calling nonetheless to do philanthropic work.