10 Cokes a day : George Prior puts on 10kg after drinking 10 Cokes a day for a month (Video)
10 Cokes a day : George Prior puts on 10kg after drinking 10 Cokes a day for a month (Video)

10 Cokes a day : George Prior puts on 10kg after drinking 10 Cokes a day for a month (Video)

10 Cokes a day for 30 days — sound like fun? To raise people’s awareness of the amount of sugar most people consume, George Prior took a 30-day challenge of drinking 10 cans of Coca-Cola every day.

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George Prior, a barbecue accessory entrepreneur and father of two, is a regular gym goer with a muscular physique. He noticed that after 30 days of the “Coke diet”, where he was consuming an additional 1,400 calories per day, he gained 12kg (2 stone) in weight, his stomach began to protrude and his blood pressure soared from 129/77 to 145/96.

As the ideal blood pressure level should be 120/80, at 145/96, Prior’s risk of heart disease or stroke has now become greatly increased.

He carried out the experiment to highlight that even if people do not drink 10 cans of Coke a day, if you were to add up the sugar content in all the drinks you have in a 24-hour period, the total amount of sugar would be very high.

On his website, Prior lists the calories in many popular drinks, including fresh orange juice, Nesquik chocolate milk, Gatorade, Red Bull, a grande mocha from Starbucks and Vitaminwater.

“I was joking around with one of my brothers. We saw an article that Jude Law had been drinking ten Cokes a day to gain weight for a movie role. And I thought that’s probably a diet for some people and we looked into it and it turns out it is a diet for some people,” Prior told LA Weekly.

“Here’s why I chose it: the amount of sugar that’s in ten Cokes is actually less than what most Americans are eating in added sugar every day. And that doesn’t even count the amount of sugar you have in fruit and the sugars you get from regular food.”

Prior writes on his blog that he was asked by his niece, a business partner and colleague in his office to stop his experiment as they were worried that he was going to die.

“Well, I’m not going to die. Not today. Maybe after 300 days on Coke, or a couple years – but that’s what so many people are doing to themselves right now. Look at your own sugar intake, and include fruits and juices,” he wrote.

“Do you have a friend or family member who is suffering from insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease?

“I am eating a lot of sugar, and it is bad for me – but I’m not eating that much more sugar than most of the people we love and spend our lives with. We should also be asking them to quit the crazy diet.”

Prior is looking forward to losing weight now and has thrown the last remaining Cokes in the box into the bin.

He said: “If I have to drink another Coke in a thousand years, it will be one Coke too soon.”


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    One comment

    1. Very informative….I have been looking for a way to make this point with my husband – he did switch from cokes/sugar sodas to diet….BUT eats way too many sweets (Little Debbie being his favorite). THANKS for taking the time to go through this experiment….I hope your health did not decline too terribly. People just have NO IDEA, or rather just don’t care sometimes, what they put into their bodies!!

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