Jill Calder: Woman dies in Port Moody after tree falls on her home
Jill Calder: Woman dies in Port Moody after tree falls on her home

Jill Calder: Woman dies in Port Moody after tree falls on her home

A woman is dead after the windstorm knocked over a tree and it fell onto her Port Moody home.

Jill Calder died when a tree was blown against  her home during this morning’s strong winds, killing her while she slept.

Port Moody’s mayor Mike Clay says Jill’s family can expect support from the neighbourhood.

“I haven’t personally talked to the family; this is a very difficult time. I can’t imagine how difficult a time this is for the family, so they have been dealing with our victim services through the police department and the fire department and hopefully we’ll try not to interfere with them, although we’re trying to support them and do what we can to help them.”

Calder was the executive director of the New View Society, a community based mental health support group.

Neighbours say crews responded within minutes.

“We’re a small town, the fire hall is just down the hill here. Anecdotally, I heard the sirens out all night last night, so they were probably already out on the road as well and we have a pretty good response here,” explains Clay.

“These houses were built probably close to 30 years ago so this is the older part of Heritage Mountain and there are not a lot of trees here. In this neighbourhood, we haven’t done a lot of calls or work in here.”

He adds her husband and two adult sons were also in the home at the time but were unharmed. The Coroner is on scene investigating, while Victim Services has been called in to help the family cope.


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