John Maguire : Ottawa Militant Urges Lone-Wolf Attacks in Canada
John Maguire : Ottawa Militant Urges Lone-Wolf Attacks in Canada

John Maguire : Ottawa Militant Urges Lone-Wolf Attacks in Canada

A chilling propaganda video has emerged containing a dire warning to Canadians from an Ottawa man who claims to be fighting alongside ISIS militants.

Dressed in the garb of the mujahideen, John Maguire, who does not appear to be reading from script, spews extremist rhetoric through a six-minute video posted to YouTube — and later taken down — and linked on several jihadist websites.

The fighter starts by talking about the recent attacks in Montreal and Ottawa, claiming they were “carried out in direct response to your participation in the coalition of nations, waging war against the Muslim people”.

He makes a specific reference to the terror attack in Montreal, in which Martin ‘Ahmad’ Rouleau, a Canadian convert, killed a soldier in Montreal before being killed in a high-speed car chase.

“You either pack your bags or you prepare your explosive devices. You either purchase your airline ticket or you sharpen your knife.”

“You either come to the Islamic State and live under the laws of Allah, or you follow the example of brother Ahmad Rouleau and do not fear the blame of the blamers.”

Al-Canadi comments: “It should not surprise you when the operations by the Muslims are executed where it hurts you the most, on your very own soil. In retaliation for your unprovoked acts of aggression towards our people.

“The more bombs you drop on our people. The more people will understand that today, waging jihad against the West and its allies around the world, is beyond the shadow of doubt, a religious obligation binding upon every Muslim.”

He insists, “the answer is, we have accepted the message and the true call of God. A call to worship no deity accept the one true god alone.”

“And after submitting to God and accepting the religion of truth, we have answered the call to jihad, striving with our wealth and ourselves for the sake of God.”

The Canadian fighter goes on to issue a warning: “I warn you and I warn you clearly. The promise of our lord is true. The day of judgement will come so I sincerely advise you to read the Quran and search for the truth yourself.”

“To the Muslims still residing in Canada, I say to you: how can you remain living amongst the disbelievers, under their unjust man-made laws, which are slowly but surely eliminating the rights of the Muslims, especially now that the Caliphate has been established.”

He also accuses the Canadian government of “waging a crusade against our Muslim brothers and sisters at this very moment”.

Al-Canadi claims: “According to Islamic principles, you are living in a land of war. A land which is relentlessly oppressing and constantly in support of the repressing of Muslims all around the world.”

The radical fighter insists the only reason for a Muslim to stay in Canada, America or Europe is to “to carry out their duty of fighting in Allah’s cause.”


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    1. Why even show these terrorists “advertising” on public television? It is exactly what they like the world to see, and it is helping their cause to spread the message – how naive to fall for that!

    2. John Macguire…..his passport should be revoked so he never gets a chance to come back to Canada , he loses everything that is Canadian and if he does try to return – arrested immediately and…….

    3. He insists, “the answer is, we have accepted the message and the true call of God. A call to worship no deity accept the one true god alone.”

      I’m pretty sure it should be except, not accept, given the context in which it was said.

    4. MEMO TO CANADIAN GOVERNMENT : Do not let Maguire back in the country. And should he manage to sneak in, shoot him on sight! I’m tired of our hard earned tax dollars being spent in courts by the millions and for years on end to prosecute those animals…

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