Undercover RCMP terror operation racked up $900K in overtime, ReportUndercover RCMP terror operation racked up $900K in overtime, Report
Undercover RCMP terror operation racked up $900K in overtime, Report

Undercover RCMP terror operation racked up $900K in overtime, Report

The Mounties aren’t commenting about the 910-hundred-thousand dollar overtime bill that officers and others racked up during an undercover terrorism operation.

Documents obtained by The Canadian Press show the operation netted former drug addicts John Nuttall and Amanda Korody, who were found guilty of plotting to blow up the B-C legislature on Canada Day, 2013.

The bulk of the project’s overtime expenses, $519,039.55, went to 100 constables involved in the case, while 30 corporals were paid $128,369.76 and 24 sergeants received $69,494.65. Records show the Vancouver Police Department was given $92,397, though it’s unclear how that money was divided.

The overall cost of the operation was not provided. Without a breakdown of the number of work hours and officer ranks, it’s difficult to estimate the overall cost, given that remuneration ranges from a starting salary of $48,000 a year for constables to $107,000 for staff-sergeants and beyond.


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    1. Jeez, everyone is shaking in their boots about the “Terrorist Threat” – oh, so scary, and then balk at the price. Sorry folks, can’t have it both ways. Personally, I think it’s a waste if this deviated from normal police work. The so called “war on terrorism” is a made up problem by the neo-cons (I mean reform/tea parties) to keep us frightened and them in power. Normal criminal law is more than sufficient to manage these crimes.

    2. Blue Collar Mike

      This story is not worth printing. Again, the media is trying to make a story where none exist. People get paid extra money to work extra hours in most jobs. Why should the officers who protect our way of life, not get paid extra for being away from their families while risking their lives?
      And $48,000.00 starting salary for a constable. Is that a misprint? Who can live on that in Vancouver?

    3. And my disability cheque is going up $77 after a nine year freeze.That would have been good ten years ago.
      Oh yeah they took away my bus pass.See you next election,Christy!!!


      The buck doesn’t stop with the RCMP but rather with our previous PM, Harper. It was he who demanded that terrorism made the news daily better still headlines. Of course he also appointed weak men to head up various departments or at least ones he could control, hence Paulson slide in after the other two candidates were eliminated (one connected to the emerging sexual harassment, the other not a member of the RCMP but made a senator later). In exchange for pushing terrorism, Paulson secured monies for new countless out-post buildings, created new Terror Units in the west, procured military weapons & 7 TAV vehicles.
      The arrest of these two young people took place well before the Hill incident & the running over of the officer in Quebec.
      This fiasco flawed from the start, ended up costing closer to million, all so that Harper could use it as a political ploy. Just another long gun registry mess – again under Harper’s watch. Harper appeased the RCMP by providing the unlimited funds, in return the RCMP would react to his wishes by controlling, arresting & imprisoning those average Canadians who might wish to voice their dissent to Harper’s agenda. Many RCMP officers feel that they are entitled to limitless funds not realizing that those funds are garnered from public taxes.

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