This is a watershed movement at least for quantum computing. Magic ingredient for quantum computing means magic-state distillation What is the most important ingredient for building quantum computers? A team of University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) says some weird magic can make a whole lot of difference.
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Yellow lobster: Fisherman’s incredibly rare catch
It’s said one in 30 million is the chance you have of finding a rare yellow lobster. Well, one fisherman in Connecticut has beaten the odds. He found it along the coast of Black Point in Niantic, an area he has frequented for fishing in the last 10 years.
Read More »Ancient long-necked ‘sea monsters’ rowed their way to prey, Report
Researchers from the University of Bristol have discovered trackways formed on an ancient seabed, which could solve the mystery of how ancient marine reptiles such as nothosaurs, which lived during the age of the dinosaurs, used to swim and survive in the deep waters of pre-historic seas.
Read More »Rare Swallowtail To Colonise UK?
A rare and spectacular butterfly may be attempting to colonise the UK after adults recently emerged on the south coast, Butterfly Conservation has revealed. A dozen adult Continental Swallowtail butterflies Papilio machaon gorganus have been seen across Sussex in the last few weeks after successfully overwintering in the UK.
Read More »Researchers find 500-million-year-old fossils of tiny fish in the Rockies
A major fossil discovery in Canada sheds new light on the development of the earliest vertebrates, including the origin of jaws, the first time this feature has been seen so early in the fossil record. A key piece in the puzzle of the evolution of vertebrates has been identified, after the discovery of fossilised fish specimens, dating from the Cambrian …
Read More »Earth 60 Million Years Older than Previously Thought, Report
New research suggests an ancient impact between Earth and a larger object that formed the moon occurred about 40 million years after the birth of the solar system; this means the final stage of the Earth’s formation is 60-million years older than previously believed.
Read More »Chicago : Stocking of channel catfish good news for the CAWS
The improving water quality of the Chicago River has experts hopeful that 30,000 Channel catfish released into the river on Tuesday will have a good chance of survival. WBBM Newsradio’s Mike Krauser reports the year-old fish were the first of 100,000 Channel catfish to be released at various locations along the river, in a repopulation effort and habitat restoration project.
Read More »Rare Peek at Arctic Life through Polar Bear’s Eyes (Video)
ANCHORAGE— The first “point of view” video from a polar bear on Arctic sea ice has just become available courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. Scientists applied video camera collars to four female polar bears on the sea ice north of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska this past April and are releasing the first clips of footage that provide unique insight into …
Read More »Solar Flares Erupted From The Sun This Morning (Video)
NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observed two X-class solar flares on Tuesday. A Coronal mass ejection (CME) was associated with the solar flares, but large-scale geomagnetic activity is not expected.
Read More »Hannah Fraser : Human ‘mermaid’ dances with sharks (Video)
An underwater acrobat has been filmed dancing with man-eating sharks in a dangerous bid to protest worldwide culls and prove the killers are “gentle”. Conservationist Hannah Fraser, who calls herself the world’s most celebrated “mermaid”, was filmed patting and swimming among a shiver of Tiger sharks.
Read More »Wolves in wolves’ clothing not all the same, New Study
Wolves aren’t all the same, and some apparently have more differences than scientists once thought. They’ve found that British Columbia’s mainland wolves and coastal wolves are far more distinctive than previously believed.
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