Frozen breaks records, the top-grossing animated film of all time
Frozen breaks records, the top-grossing animated film of all time

Frozen breaks records, Highest Animated Int’l Grosser Of All Time

Frozen has become the most commercially successful animated feature in history.

Frozen has become the highest-grossing animated film ever made.

Four months and two Academy Awards after its release, Frozen has officially surpassed Toy Story 3 as the top-grossing animated film to date. This makes it the first billion-dollar movie to come out of Disney Animation Studios. I’d say that’s worth building a few snowmen over.

The movie is poised to out-earn Disney’s 2010 run in Japan, which saw the third installment in the Toy Story series make $108 million and Alice in Wonderland pull in $115 million. Disney is set to release Frozen in a dubbed 3-D version in Japan on April 26, which will draw even more cash per ticket.

The Oscar-winning Frozen has received both popular and critical acclaim, and is being considered the best Disney animated feature not related to Pixar in years. The movie has performed very well internationally, as Disney put effort into dubbing the movie into a plethora of languages while keeping the spirit of the song lyrics.


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