At 29, cat may be world's oldest (Photo)
At 29, cat may be world's oldest (Photo)

At 29, cat may be world’s oldest (Photo)

Cat, 29, is world’s oldest? A woman in Sweden is claiming that her cat, Missan, is the oldest living cat in the world at 29 years old.

Missan, was adopted by her owner, Åsa Wickberg, in 1985 when she found the kitten.

Wickberg said she was reading a newspaper article about another cat whose owner claimed it was the oldest living cat, when she realized Missan was older.

If Missan’s age is proven she will pass Tiffany Two, a 26-year-old cat from San Diego, to claim her place in the Guinness Book of Records.

Although that would make Missan the world’s oldest living cat, Creme Puff from Austin, Texas, who died in 2005 at the ripe old age of 38, still holds the title of the oldest cat in history.


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