Giant Alien planet 11 times bigger than Jupiter found
Giant Alien planet 11 times bigger than Jupiter found

Giant Alien planet 11 times bigger than Jupiter found

A team of astronomers that is led by a US graduate student has found a planet outside the solar system. The place where it is found is not the place where the planet should not be there. This raises questions regarding the planetary formation.

On Thursday, as per a University of Arizona release, the huge planet is orbiting its star at the speed which is 650 times the average distance between earth and sun.

The astronomers revealed that the planet is over 10 times heavier than the mass of Jupiter. The planet is names as HD 106906 b and is different to everything in our own Solar System. The planet also raises many questions regarding planet formation theories.

Analyst pioneer and UA graduate learner Vanessa Bailey also added that this framework is particularly captivating on the grounds that no model of either planet or star development completely illustrates what we see.

To explain its presence many theories have been advanced, incorporating a small scale double star framework.

Bailey also added that a twofold star framework could be shaped when two neighbouring bunches of gas breakdown pretty much freely to structure stars, and these stars are close enough to one another to push a shared attractive energy fascination and tie them together in a circle.

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