An underwater acrobat has been filmed dancing with man-eating sharks in a dangerous bid to protest worldwide culls and prove the killers are “gentle”.
Conservationist Hannah Fraser, who calls herself the world’s most celebrated “mermaid”, was filmed patting and swimming among a shiver of Tiger sharks.
Locked in lead boots, with no air, 25 feet underwater, Fraser dove into the shark-infested waters of the Bahamas to do a performance protest against the worldwide killing of sharks that some believe could lead to their extinction.
We watched as she morphed into a mermaid sea goddess, and danced and pet dozens of sharks.
Frasers shark dance was made for a video urging shark conservation and an upcoming feature film called “Tears of a Mermaid.”
Her message: Humans have nothing to fear from these animals and that, indeed, they love affection and deserve our protection.