76 percent of sikhs live in northern india State of Punjab
76 percent of sikhs live in northern india State of Punjab

76 percent of sikhs live in northern india State of Punjab

Population of Sikhs in the world is around 27 million. That makes Sikhs 0.39% of the world population. Out of these 27 million approximately 83% live in India with 76% of all Sikhs living in Punjab.This is the only place where Sikhs are in the majority. Other Indian states where Sikhs have substantial population i.e greater than 200,000 are Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Maharashtra, Uttaranchal, Assam and Jammu & Kashmir.

Outside India Sikhs are almost everywhere. Sikhs have emigrated to countries all over the world – especially to English-speaking and East Asian nations. In doing so they have retained, to an unusually high degree, their distinctive cultural and religious identity. The existance of Sikh communities throughout the world presents a fascinating story of an immigrant community which originated in the Punjab, India, more than five hundred years ago. As everyone knows, male Sikhs are easily recognized by their turbans and beards (but all men wearing turbans are not Sikhs). Over the centuries, they have acquired a reputation for being sturdy, hard working and adventrous; they are a people who have earned the reputation for being extremely brave and loyal soldiers.

Sikh migration from India began from the 2nd half of the 19th century when the British had completed their annexation of the Punjab. The British Raj preferentially recruited Sikhs in the Indian Civil Service and, in particular, the British Indian Army. This led to migration of Sikhs to different parts of British India and the British Empire. During this era, semiskilled Sikh artisans were also transported from the Punjab to British East Africa to help in the building of railways. After World War II, Sikhs emigrated from both India and Pakistan. Most went to the United Kingdom but many also went to North America. The main factor for Sikh migration has been economic. Significant Sikh population now resides in United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, Malaysia, East Africa, Australia and Thailand.


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