Newlywed Zoe Saldana, known for her roles as Neytiri in “Avatar” and as Uhura in the new “Star Trek” movies, has sold her house in Los Feliz for $1.149 million.
The actress married Italian artist Marco Perego this summer and then in September put her 1955 contemporary-style house on the market.
The 2,800 square feet of living space includes an updated kitchen, a fireplace, four bedrooms and four bathrooms.
Saldana lived in the residence before she got married. After her nuptial in June, selling was the only logical step. Although she listed it for $1.2 million, she took a slight dip on the asking price.
Saldana purchased the home in 2006 for a little over $1 million. The residence is a 2800 square feet home, comprising of four bedrooms and four bathrooms. The place has an open contemporary floor plan. Hardwood floors, large glass windows and mixed ceilings are some of its interior features.
While Saldana has sold her Los Feliz Home, Perego’s L.A. home is on the rental market, according to Celebuzz.
Perego’s home is a 1300 square feet duplex residence located in one of the most posh neighbourhoods of LA, just minutes away from Sunset Strip. Dark hardwood floors, 20-foot ceilings and massive glass windows make up the interiors of the house.