Bruce jenner facelift surgery
Bruce jenner facelift surgery

Bruce jenner facelift surgery : Photo

There is aging gracefully, then there is whatever is going on with Olympian/Reality TV being Bruce Jenner. He first reached fame as the gold medalist in the decathlon at the 1976 Montreal Olympics, followed by a limited acting career with roles in several movies and a recurring role on “CHiPs.”

Jenner went on to have success as a businessman and motivational speaker before his reality TV career took off. But over the years the former face of Wheaties seems to have gotten as much attention for his apparent cosmetic surgery and use of botox as he once did for his athletic achievements.

We contacted triple board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Chaffoo and showed him some photos of Jenner, and he was able to answer all of our questions. Read and learn.

Jamie Peck: What kind of procedures do you think Bruce Jenner has had done? And where did he go wrong?

Richard Chaffoo: It appears that he has undergone a complete face lift but he looks rather operated on and unnatural looking. His face seems stretched and somewhat distorted and also asymetrical. There is some swelling under the chin more on the left side than right. In addition, his face has taken on a somewhat feminine appearance which happens when men have excessive and repeated facial plastic surgery. Also, the natural ear landmark called the tragus or cartilage prominence in front of the ear appears distorted or lost in this photo.

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