Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Rosie O'Donnell Fight : Actress Responds To The Dumbest #BlackLivesMatter Question
Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Rosie O'Donnell Fight : Actress Responds To The Dumbest #BlackLivesMatter Question

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Rosie O’Donnell Fight: Actress Responds To The Dumbest ‘#BlackLivesMatter’ Question

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Rosie O’Donnell Fight Over ‘Black Lives Matter’.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck put her foot in her mouth and insulted the Black community this week when she blasted the “Black Lives Matter” movement, calling its members nothing more than a hate group. Now, her former “The View” co-host, Rosie O’Donnell, has a shady response for Hasselbeck.

On Monday’s Fox and Friends, Hasselback pondered, “Why has the #BlackLivesMatter movement not been classified yet as a hate group? I mean, how much more has to go in this direction before someone actually labels it as such?”

The reality contestant-turned-talking head was discussing the execution-style murder of Houston deputy Darren Goforth on Friday by an African-American suspect.

O’Donnell tweeted Hasselbeck’s question and added, “Some are slow to wake.”

There is currently no evidence that Goforth’s suspected killer, Shannon J. Miles, was a supporter of #BlackLivesMatter. Also, the movement is not a organized group with a single mission statement, offices or agenda. It would be impractical (and irresponsible) to label a hashtag sentiment a “hate group.”

The former colleagues clashed repeatedly while sharing the panel on The View. A 2007 feud got so heavy that it reportedly led to O’Donnell leaving the show before her contract was up.


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    1. FYI: Black lives matter movement IS a hate group. They marched with ‘police’ protection while chanting “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” during the march in St. Paul, Minnesota. They are following the racist and hate filled rhetoric coming out of the White House and AG’s office. They want ‘special rights’ and yet they will do NOTHING about the wanton slaughter of their own black citizens across the country, primarily by gang members of ‘fatherless’ homes. They need to look in the mirror, just like Rosie ought to for the cause of either their self inflicted destruction of black families or why they’re fat.

    2. As usual, Hasselbeck is the most intelligent and morally grounded of all the fematsi hags on that idiotic program. She has more brains in her used nail polish remover than Rosie has in her entire body–and that’s a LOT of space. Rosie’s own kid can’t wait to get away from her smelly bacon.

    3. Black Lies Matter IS a hate group. It does not need a leader or label. They do not verbally support police, and even seem satisfied by the killing of white cops by black people. There are many, conservative and liberal who agree. Rosie is just Rosie, and all Christians should pray for her. She always seems to be looking for the right path but never is finding it. <

    4. They ARE a hate group. They call for the killing of police officers. Imagine if the KKK marched in cities and said the exact same thing. As for Rosie O’Donnell…her hypocrisy knows no bounds. She supports BLM…but didn’t she need the police when one of her kids ran away from home?

    5. so is the Klu Klux Klan, Neo Nazi and all the militia group are they not hate groups, I can tell yall are are republicans with ur hateful texts, can tel from a mile away. Peace Out, will not be commenting on any hateful replies

      • Did you get time out as a child, it appears you did and are suffering from Post Time Out Syndrome, such mean and cruel parents. Maybe a bed wetter?

      • India…. Yes, the KKK and Neo Nazi’s are hate groups, who said they weren’t? Are you trying to imply that Republicans support these groups? Of course you will not commenting because your first comment makes no sense to a rational person. Some Black Lives Matter chapters are outrageously hateful toward police, including black cops. They hate cops, they hate the people that will protect them should they or their families ever be in danger. Several groups that believe marriage is between a man and a woman have been labeled by hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center. All Elisabeth Hasselbeck was doing was pointing to the hypocrisy of the left. They will demand the Tea Party be labeled a hate group because they support low taxes and small government and walk around with offensive Obama signs. But….Black Lives Matter walks around chanting for the death of police officers and the left contends that anyone who is white who disagrees with Black Lives Matter is “putting their foot in their mouth;” the hypocrisy is unreal with this one. Any unlike the Tea Party, murders of police officers are being linked to actual Black Lives Matter groups. Not one crime has ever been blamed on the Tea Party. Even the guy who “spit” on a black politician do not actually spit on anyone once a tape of the encounter was released showing the man rudely yelling at the politician while spit came out. The left just loves when they can blame crimes on the right but when it actually happens on the left, they play the race card. To this day the left still mentions all the right wing hate on Nov 22, 1963 while neglecting to mention that Lee Harvey Oswald was a hardcore lefty who actually defected to the Soviet Union. I could on all day.

    6. It would be better stated to call them a “Racist Hate Group”. Any group that applies a color of skin and uses such to push their cause above others, again based on skin color is a racist group, a hate group and is such. I do not need to label them, they have already done so. BLM is such just as the KKK, Black Panthers and the Nazi lovers around the world, all akin to ISIS.

      As for the comment above, you stated “all militia groups”, perhaps your peace and love attitude will melt when you actually study history. Militia’s are part of every major social change in any country that broke away from the tyrannical governmental regimes, such as those in Canada and the United States are currently forced to deal with. When leftist political terrorist with warped supporters such as O’Donnell are able to spout hate and venom at will the time for change and war is at hand.

      Liberals are the enemy and they have already declared war.

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