Florida Man Calls 911 After Wife Throws Out His Beer
Florida Man Calls 911 After Wife Throws Out His Beer

Florida Man Calls 911 After Wife Throws Out His Beer

A Florida man called 911 approximately seven times to report to authorities that his wife had disposed of his beer, West Palm Beach police said Monday.

When officers arrived, Bueno Mir appeared intoxicated and told them that his wife had “thrown out his beer.” The officers instructed him that his situation was not an emergency and was advised to not call 911 unless there was an emergency, the report said.

Bueno Mir called 911 again and became uncooperative with the operator, refusing to provide what his emergency was. Bueno Mir called 911 again and began yelling that a female outside had broken into two of his beers, the report said.

Bueno Mir called 911 a total of 7 times during the span of four hours. He faces charges of misuse of the 911 emergency system for making a false alarm or complaint or reporting false information.


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