A news anchor in Orlando, Florida, just couldn’t take one more story about members of the Kardashian clan. As the topic came up, Fox 35’s John Brown stood up and walked off camera, saying:
“Okay, I’m having a good Friday, so I refuse to talk about the Kardashians today. You are on your own, Amy. I’ve had enough Kardashians…”
The “story” that the show was going to run was about Kylie Jenner naming her pet bunny “Bruce.”
“I don’t care!” replied Brown, who is now an instant hero to millions of Americans who can’t seem to dodge press coverage of reality TV’s First Family.
“I’m sick of this family! It’s a non-story! We’re talking about this family every freakin’ day on this show! Nobody cares about this family anymore! I’ve had enough, it’s Friday, I want to have a good Friday, I don’t want to talk about the Kardashians.”