Iconic Internet cartoon Homestar Runner has laid low since 2010, when creators Mike and Matt Chapman decided to take a different route in their careers. And although the series has been relatively silent for years, the creators assured the cartoon fanatics that they would update the Homestar Runner website occasionally.
While the updates aren’t extensive—it’s basically just one long, but hilarious intro video featuring Homestar and Strong Bad—they’re something, and hopefully that should be enough for fans.
Plus, in the clip, both Homestar and Strong Bad lay down some sick Windows 98 sounds now available for download. It’s really more than any fan could have hoped for, which unfortunately means that now all anyone’s going to want is more, more, more.
In the meantime, now seems as good a time as any to remind people of yesterday’s smash sensation, Random Access Fhqwhgads, an hour-long mash-up of Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories and Strong Bad’s classic jam “Everybody To The Limit (Come On Fhqwhgads).”
Check out the new video on HomestarRunner.com.