Jamie Gilt, Florida Mom, Gets Shot By Her 4-Year-Old Son
Jamie Gilt, Florida Mom, Gets Shot By Her 4-Year-Old Son

Jamie Gilt, Florida Mom, Gets Shot By Her 4-Year-Old Son (Video)

Jamie Gilt, 31, an outspoken advocate for gun rights who even ran a Facebook page called Jamie Gilt for Gun Sense, dedicated to her love for guns, and featuring statements such as, “My right to protect my child with my gun trumps your fear of my gun,” was shot by her 4-year-old son this week.

Florida mom was driving to a relative’s house on March 8 to pick up a horse when her son, who was sitting behind her, shot the loaded gun, Putnam County Sheriff’s Department stated in a news release.

The shot was not fatal and Gilt was taken to a hospital in Gainesville, Florida, where she remains in stable condition, according to NBC News. The four-year-old was unharmed as he was taken by relatives, the release said.

Ironically, just a day before the accident, Gilt bragged on social media about her son’s shooting skills, according to New York Daily News.

“Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22,” Gilt wrote on Facebook on March 7 in a response to a heated debate about the second amendment.

“This is definitely not a criminal event,” says Capt. Joseph Wells of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. “This is an accidental shooting.”

According to Putnam County Sheriff’s Department official statement, Gilt legally owned the pistol and has not been charged yet, pending an investigation.

The Florida Department of Children and Family Services is also investigating the case and the boy will not face any charges.

“Florida Statute makes it a misdemeanor for a person to store or leave, on a premise under his or her control, a loaded firearm in such a manner that it is likely a child can gain access to the firearm,” officials say.


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