Actress Joan Rivers gave a passionate defense of Israel, showing her adamant support for the country and her disapproval of the media coverage of the conflict.
TMZ caught up with Rivers, as they often to, to ask her opinion on a recent tweet from pop star, Selena Gomez, asking her fans to #PrayForGaza. What started off in typical Rivers fashion – an attack at a young starlet’s intelligence- turned into an impassioned rant in support of Israel.
“Oh, Selena Gomez, yeah, that college grad… Well if Selena said that… let’s see if she can spell Palestinian,” Rivers began when asked about her opinion of the tweet.
“Let me just tell you, if New Jersey were firing rockets into New York, we would wipe them out…If we heard they were digging tunnels from New Jersey to New York, we would get rid of Jersey…. [To] the Palestinians [militants], you cannot throw rockets and expect people not to defend themselves!,” she explained.
The TMZ cameraman pressed further, asking what she thought of all the causalities in Gaza of innocent civilians, including women and children.
“Don’t you dare put weapon stashes in private homes,” she argued. “They started it! … for months this has been going on… I know cause I’ve been over there, and I wish the world would know.”