News outlets were trying to see what type of facial reactions and body motions both vice presidential candidates would show in the debate, but with one of the candidates that might have been a problem because of botox injection rumors.
CBS had hired a famous face expression and body language expert Les Smiley to analyze the candidate’s movements, but he found it difficult to examine the reaction of Democratic candidate Joe Biden.
Smiley said “It was hard to tell if he was mad, happy, sad, or surprised. Apparently Biden had so much botox injected into his face I couldn’t gauge any reaction from him. It was like he was a stone faced statue. Plus I kept getting distracted by those really bad hair plugs of his”.
Smiley stated “Biden’s face was so plastic looking I thought he had died, been embalmed, and propped up with a wired up voice coming from the behind the curtain.”
Some callers after the debate mentioned that they thought Joe Biden had died during the introduction because his face did not move during the debate. Biden, who is now being called “Botox Biden”, apparently had so much poison injected into his face that after the debates he was reportedly carried off by emergency services and taken to the nearest Poison Center.
Update: We are now reporting that Joe Biden was indeed taken to the nearest Poison Center because Biden had gone into shock. The Poison Center reported that Joe Biden’s face was injected with so much poison he has gone into a botox coma. Botox syringes were found in Biden’s apartment after the debate which had twice the recommended amount.
It is not known if Joe Biden is a botox addict, but there are rumors swirling around that Biden was seen in a seedy part of town wearing a hat and trench coat buying street botox the night before the debate.