Mother Trying to Change Her Name to Sexy
Mother Trying to Change Her Name to Sexy

Mother Trying to Change Her Name to Sexy

An Ohio woman hates her name so much, she’ll soon ask a judge to legally change her name to Sexy.

Yes, Sexy.

Ranea Crabtree of Pataskala, Ohio refuses to use the name her parents gave her – Sheila.

Crabtree is asking a Licking County Judge to officially change her name once and for all.

“My husband sometimes calls me sexy,” she said. “I just decided on that just because it’s fun. I wasn’t expecting anyone to find out. I didn’t even tell my husband I was going through with it.”
But part of the application process requires running a notice in the newspaper. That’s when her plan became public.

“It was in real small print,” she said. “Then a couple of weeks later, I started getting calls and was contacted by everyone. I’m sure if I’d changed it to something ordinary, no one would have even known.”
For the past week, Crabtree said she’s been interviewed by websites, radio stations and TV stations from all over the country. Some of the attention has been negative, with criticism about her choice of Sexy as a new name.

“I’m not doing it for attention,” she said. “I’m just doing it for me. This is what I want in my life. I just wanted to get rid of that name entirely so I could be completely happy. I’m perfectly happy with everything else in my life right now.”

She said her two teenage daughters think the change is a little silly, but they’re both fine with it.
“I like to have a lot of fun,” said Crabtree. “I’m not a real serious person.”
Crabtree is due in court Feb. 11, where a judge is expected to decide whether or not to approve the change.

If it doesn’t go through, she joked she’d try next time she’d try to change it to “Sparkle.”
“I have a sparkly personality,” she said. “I’m just being fun and positive. I know it sounds very silly, but that’s OK. I’m just having fun.”


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