Eating too many carbohydrates such as potatoes, bagels or cereal increases the risk for lung cancer, especially among people who have never smoked, according to a recent study.
Researchers have found that people who eat a diet with a high glycemic index – bagels, white rice, pasta and potatoes we’re looking at you – are up to twice as likely to suffer from lung cancer than those who don’t.
Scientists looked at 2,000 patients with lung cancer and 2,500 without.
They say non-smokers whose diets had a high glycemic index were more than two times more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer than non-smokers with a low one.
Dr. Oz says, “A high glycemic index means that the sugar in whatever food you’re eating rushes into your bloodstream because it’s not cobbled together with fiber that would naturally hold it together in your gut.”
The foods in question: white bread, bagels, pretzels, popcorn and white potatoes
Dr. Oz suggests starting early in the morning by swapping out your two lumps of sugar in coffee or tea with one sugar and one cinnamon.
The study also recommends opting for foods with a lower gylcemic index, like whole wheat bread, bran and steal cut oats.