Sperm donors up to the age of 45 are just as likely to conceive children as those in their 20s, a large study has shown.
According to the report, the study could boost sperm donations by encouraging older men to come forward and donate at fertility centers.
Men looking to donate undergo a stringent screening process to ensure that only high quality sperm goes through.
Over 230,000 sperm donation treatments were studied as part of the research.
One of the reasons for conducting the study was to prove that a woman’s chances of conceiving through IVF are just as high with older men as with those who are younger.
“What’s reassuring is that there’s no decline observed with increasing age of the men,” Dr. Navdeep Ghuman told AAP.
“The scary idea in the media and women’s minds that older sperm means less chance of conceiving wasn’t seen,” he said.