Paris hilton
Paris hilton

Paris hilton : Reality star didn’t get a dime from her sex tape

In recent news that no one cares about, former reality star/socialite/wannabe popstar actress/amateur porn star/full time shallow twat Paris Hilton has filed a lawsuit against a porn site in Slovenia for selling clips of her infamous sex tape “1 Night in Paris.” Slovenia is really putting the “slo” in it’s name since that shitty sex tape is like 10 years old.

In her suit, Hilton is requesting that the website be closed down and she wants to take ownership of the domain name the company had been using: The fact that some website decided to cash in off of Paris Hilton’s decade old sex tape isn’t the truly shocking part of this story; it’s more so that anyone would still be willing to pay to see that shit.

When approached by TMZ at LAX Airport on Monday (25.11.13), she said: “I never made a dollar, not one.

“I make enough money in nice ways, my fragrance makes enough, I don’t need to worry about that.”

The revelation comes as the star continues to battle Slovenian website which is profiting from the movie – which is now owned by Vivid.

She added: “I don’t like people using my name to make money, especially in such a gross way, I had no idea [about the site] until I read about it on TMZ.”

Although Paris says she never cashed in on the film, her ‘co-star’ and ‘producer’ Rick reported $10 million he made off the X-rated home movie to the IRS after its first year of release.

In 2011, Paris told talk show host Piers Morgan that her notorious tape was one of her biggest regrets.

She said the footage was “the most embarrassing, humiliating thing that has ever happened to me in my life.”

Paris, who has been dating boyfriend River Viiperi since September 2012, added that it was something she could “never erase”.

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