The newest source for sexual health information may not be one you’d expect, but it’s worth checking out. Pornhub will be launching a free online resource for viewers, providing advice and information on sexuality, sexual health, and relationships. The Pornhub Sexual Health Center is surprising, but I think, totally exciting.
The site on Wednesday, February 1, took on the challenge of educating people about sex by setting up its own sub-site, called the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center.
Sex therapist Dr. Laurie Betito will be directing the site, which will have a number of easily searchable categories. These include content about basic sexual anatomy, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and general reproductive health. There’s also information available to help people build relationships, as well as articles on sexuality research.
Pornhub’s Sexual Wellness Center also lets users ask Dr. Betito questions from within the site itself, which can then become the topic of future discussions and information articles on the website.
While there are many existing resources for learning about sex online, Pornhub does distinguish itself by being a place many go to to satisfy their curiosity or urges. By providing this additional service for its users, Pornhub as a whole likely hopes it can be a singular location to offer both sexual information and temporary release for its users.