Consumer Reports is issuing a warning to pregnant women about eating certain kinds of fish.
According to researchers, many popular types of fish contain high levels of mercury, which can be dangerous to a fetus or infant.
According to Dr. Mike Cirigliano , of the University of Pennsylvania, experts say women they need to have about 12 ounces of fish a week if they are pregnant, thinking of getting pregnant or breastfeeding.
The problem is the No. 2 source of fish in this country is canned tuna, and Consumer Reports says they found unacceptable levels of mercury in their study.
Others studies show that this is not a problem.
Mercury is a neurotoxin that can cause brain development issues in fetuses and babies.
“The take-home message here is everything in moderation,” Dr. Mike said.
The doctor brought a list of fish that he says are OK for pregnant women to eat. That list includes salmon, tilapia, trout and flounder, which have low levels of mercury.
Fish that are not OK for pregnant women to eat? Dr. Mike had on his list tune, sword fish, mackerel and shark.
Dr. Mike also discussed some huge news for diabetics. Those days of pin pricks could be coming to an end! Watch the video report above for more details.