From today through to the end of Sunday, Star Wars: Battlefront players will be able to play the Outer Rim DLC for free.
You will have the opportunity to play with two additional characters, Greedo and Nien Nunb. The DLC also comes with four maps: the Jabba’s Palace and Palace Garage, both of which are in Tatooine, or the SoroSuub Refinery or Pipelines in Sullust.
You’ll also be able to try out Extraction, a new game mode available within the DLC. Rebel fighters must escort a shipment of valuable resources to their ship while Empire soldiers have to prevent them from leaving the planet.
Even though you’ll have access to Outer Rim this weekend, there are a few limitations to content. For example, you can still take on Hutt Contracts to complete challenges and game rewards, but weapons and Star Cards that come with the DLC aren’t available for rewards or purchase.
Pre-order for the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront DLC expansion season pass is only at $50, which already includes four expansion packs of which “Bespin” is the second one.
EA also announced this week that a sequel to Star Wars Battlefront will arrive in 2017.