Mom’s photo makes a viral breastfeeding statement.
What mom hasn’t entertained the unappetizing prospect of breastfeeding her baby in a public bathroom?
That may explain why a funny photo taken by photographer Tamar Shugert has spread like wildfire across the Internet, and gotten plenty of flack — even from pro-breastfeeding advocates!
Tamar Shugert submitted a side-by-side photo collage — in one photo, she pretends to breastfeed in her bathroom, and in the other, her husband poses eating spaghetti in the same bathroom. The caption reads in part, “If you are not willing to eat your lunch in the bathroom, then don’t expect me to feed my kid there!”
Because Israel is a fairly religious country, Shugert explained that many women do not nurse their babies uncovered outside the home. But, she added that opinions on the matter range considerably from the more modern, secular Tel Aviv to the more traditional areas of the country.